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Our team are experienced in carrying out audits for businesses across a wide range of commercial activities, including charities and societies.

Our registered auditor services include:

  • audits of grant and other claims
  • clear constructive audit advice
  • specialist audits required under industry-specific regulations
  • due diligence
  • assurance for non-audit clients, including examination of accounting systems and internal controls in high risk areas

Adding Value to your Audit

Depending on the size of your business you may be legally required to arrange an independent audit. At GWA we believe that the audit process can be more beneficial than merely satisfying legalities and providing reassurance to your stakeholders; by helping to identify strengths and weaknesses it can lead to better business systems and improved performance.

Your chosen audit team will be led by Partners who are registered as Responsible Individuals (R.I’s), authorised to sign audit reports.  In addition, your team will have a dedicated manager who will ensure each individual’s experience is best applied to meet your business needs. We will always look to add value, working with you to identify improvements to your systems and controls. And our low staff turnover means that you won’t have to explain the same things to different people each year.

Greaves West & Ayre is registered to carry out audit work in the UK and regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

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News and Events

Successful Autumn Rural Seminars

Greaves West & Ayre recently held two successful and well-attended Port Budget Rural Seminars.

Community and Staff News

Community News –  We are always delighted to get involved with a wide variety of community events…

Christmas and New Year Office Hours

Our Festive Opening Hours for our Offices are detailed below -

Payroll Changes

Attention! An important change in legislation will be taking affect in April 2026 which will affect payroll processes.