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Winter 2022/23 Newsletter

In our latest newsletter we look at end of year investment opportunities and whether you should consider contributing to your State Pension. We remind everyone of the new penalties for not paying and filling VAT on time and wish a fond farewell to two 1976 classmates.

GWA Community Support – Winter 2022/23

We try to help out local causes and communities where we can and here's a round-up of recent activities we've been able to support.

Arrivederci to our 1976 Classmates

The meaning of the Italian word arrivederci is ‘goodbye, until we meet again’. We have said arrivederci to some long-standing members of our team and this year is no different.

GWA Staff News – Winter 2022/23

We are welcoming new faces in all three of our offices and sadly saying goodbye and good luck to some starting their retirement.

Au Revoir after 125 years

Three of GWA's longest serving staff are retiring before the end of the year. Here's a little of their GWA history. We wish them all the very best.

Gold Standard for GWA’s Payroll Team

Greaves West & Ayre’s payroll department has been awarded the Payroll Assurance Scheme accreditation.

GWA Community Support – Autumn 2022

We try to help out local causes and communities where we can and here's a round-up of recent activities we've been able to support.

GWA Staff News – Autumn 2022

We are welcoming new faces around the GWA office and saying goodbye to some very familiar faces, recognising and celebrating their long service.

Three Counties Director earns prestigious accreditation

Corryn Wild, a Director at GWA sister company Three Counties has achieved full accreditation status of the Society of Later Life Advisers.

GWA Community Support – Summer 2022

We are delighted to get involved again with various community events which were postponed or cancelled during the pandemic.

Summer 2022 Newsletter

This newsletter examines the pros and cons of Registering for VAT, tax implications of cross-border homeworking and new rules concerning Trust registration. Plus our recent efforts to support local causes.

GWA Staff News – Summer 2022

We welcome new starters and congratulate long service. And the summer seems to have increased our staff social fun too!