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Car vs Van – Benefit in Kind implications

If you are considering purchasing a company car, it is important to understand the benefit in kind (BIK) implications. The BIK rules tax any private benefit a director or employee receives from the company. For any vehicle, you need to determine if it is classed as a car or a van.

Why leave the future to chance…

In simple terms when we talk about business succession we mean the long-term plan for the business. In practice, it is difficult to cover all of the taxation and accounting issues surrounding succession in business across the generations in one short article, but here goes . . .

Global Market Commentary – November 2023

Last month we said ‘the key economic indicators could prove not too hot, nor too cold, but just about right for investors to feel comfortable’. There can certainly be no doubt about the stock market’s favourite fairy tale after November’s gains: Goldilocks wins, hands down. With inflation cooling rapidly and GDP and employment figures remaining stable on both sides of the Atlantic, the stock market has shaken off the bears and moved markedly higher.

Autumn 2023 Newsletter

Our Autumn newsletter offers a brief guide to business succession planning, and an update on planning for care needs, plus we introduce PayCircle - a new cloud-based payroll platform. There's a useful article on Benefit in Kind implications surrounding company cars, and our Community and Staff news update.

Self-Assessment Tax Returns – don’t be hanging on the phone

5 reasons Self-Assessment customers don’t need to wait on hold

Autumn Statement 2023

Yesterday, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Autumn Statement. We have sifted through the details and hope the following highlights, which we feel will be the most significant to our clients, will be helpful.

Golf Clubs VAT and Partial Exemption

Golf clubs have several different income streams that often takes them over the VAT threshold for UK VAT. This leads them to submit a Monthly, Quarterly or Annual VAT return. Most commonly golf clubs will submit quarterly returns. For Golf Clubs, being VAT registered opens the door for them to have to complete a partial exemption calculation.

Sporting Clubs and Corporation Tax Explained

Members’ sports clubs take on many forms of business structure.  Two of the most common structures, Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) and unincorporated Members’ Clubs.

Successful first Rural Seminar

Last Wednesday night (1 November) we held the first of two autumn Rural Seminars. Our first seminar hosted by our…

Global Market Commentary – October 2023

October was another difficult month for investors - the culmination of three consecutive months where stocks and bonds have declined together. However, the US and UK central banks provided “dovish” statements on November 1st and 2nd, stating policy is adequately restrictive in light of slowing inflation. Markets are now forecasting that further interest rate hikes are highly unlikely and have entered the new month on a positive note.

Rural Seminar with Womble Bond Dickinson and GSC Grays

21 November 2023

Watch out for scams 

Watch out for scams…  Protect yourself and your money HMRC is reminding customers to be wary of approaches made by fraudsters…