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Watch out for scams 

Watch out for scams…  Protect yourself and your money HMRC is reminding customers to be wary of approaches made by fraudsters…

GWA Staff and Community News – Summer 2023

Retirements, promotions, new starts there's lots to update about the GWA team. We've also been supporting a number of local community causes.

GWA welcomes a new associate

GWA welcomes a new associate

Spring/Summer 2023 Newsletter

Our latest newsletter offers tax efficient options on gifting to children, an update on changes to pension legislation and how crypto assets are taxed. We've also got exciting news about a new investment solution, along with a sad farewell after 40 years.

Trish Melia Retires

We wish Trish Melia all the best in her retirement. Having joined GWA in 1973, Trish will be starting her well-deserved retirement in June, 50 years on from when she left school to start her first job.

GWA Staff and Community News – Spring 2023

Retirements, promotions, new starts there's lots to update about the GWA team. We've also been supporting a number of local community causes.

Partner promotion for David Renton

We are delighted to announce that David Renton has been promoted to Partner on 1 May 2023.

Winter 2022/23 Newsletter

In our latest newsletter we look at end of year investment opportunities and whether you should consider contributing to your State Pension. We remind everyone of the new penalties for not paying and filling VAT on time and wish a fond farewell to two 1976 classmates.

GWA Community Support – Winter 2022/23

We try to help out local causes and communities where we can and here's a round-up of recent activities we've been able to support.

Arrivederci to our 1976 Classmates

The meaning of the Italian word arrivederci is ‘goodbye, until we meet again’. We have said arrivederci to some long-standing members of our team and this year is no different.

GWA Staff News – Winter 2022/23

We are welcoming new faces in all three of our offices and sadly saying goodbye and good luck to some starting their retirement.

Au Revoir after 125 years

Three of GWA's longest serving staff are retiring before the end of the year. Here's a little of their GWA history. We wish them all the very best.