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Global Market Commentary – September 2023

The first half of 2023 produced good returns from overseas stock markets, as most economies proved more resilient than expected, despite forecasts of a recession at the beginning of the year. As the second half of 2023 progresses, those gains are being given back as higher interest rates and rising oil prices are taking their toll once again.

Unclaimed Child Trust Fund

Aged 18 – 21? You may have an unclaimed Child Trust Fund HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are advising that almost…

MGTS Qualis Fund Launch

We are delighted to introduce GWA Asset Management Ltd (GWAAM), a wholly owned subsidiary of Greaves West & Ayre. GWAAM is the appointed investment manager of the MGTS Qualis fund range, which has been created in conjunction with the Authorised Corporate Director Margetts.

Understanding the new childcare allowances

It was music to many parents’ ears when it was announced in the Spring Budget that there will be more support for many working parents with the extension of free childcare support.

Global Market Commentary June 2023

The first half of 2023 has flown past with a number of stock markets recovering strongly following a poor 2022.

Protect yourself from online scams

Online scams are on the rise. Find out some simple tips to keep you and your business safe.

The MGTS Qualis Funds Launch

GWAAM have launched the MGTS Qualis investment fund range, to improve the investment process for all GWA wealth management clients.

If you couldn't attend our recent launch events, you can watch our launch video.

Spring/Summer 2023 Newsletter

Our latest newsletter offers tax efficient options on gifting to children, an update on changes to pension legislation and how crypto assets are taxed. We've also got exciting news about a new investment solution, along with a sad farewell after 40 years.

Can your pension benefit from the Lifetime Allowance changes

Changes to pension tax legislation announced in the Budget were extensive. Could it be that anything which encourages saving towards retirement should be welcomed?

Gifting Assets to your Children in a Tax Efficient Way

As we continue to battle the cost-of-living crisis, more than ever, parents and grandparents are considering gifting money or assets to help their children take their first steps to a financially independent future.

Global Market Commentary April 2023

Although April was a relatively quiet month from a financial markets perspective, despite market concerns, stocks have generated good returns so far in 2023.

Leave a Local Legacy

If you want to make a difference in your community, supporting local organisations through a donation or leaving a gift in your will could make a real difference. We explain how to give, and an overview of the tax benefits to giving.