Staff News Winter 2019/2020

We have a range of staff news to start off the year, from people joining the GWA family to celebrations for longstanding service.
We are delighted to welcome a new face to our team in Berwick. Becky Wilson has joined us as a Trainee Accounts Technician. Also, Ryan Emmerson will be starting with us in March and, along with existing staff member Stuart Gilchrist, will be commencing their Chartered Accountant training.
Work anniversaries
From ‘newbies’, to those remarkable staff who are celebrating noteworthy work anniversaries. Denise McCandlish, who is based at our Haddington office and Daphne Bell, from our Berwick office, reached 30 years’ service towards the end of last year. Stephen Gilchrist, from Berwick is also celebrating a significant work anniversary of 20 years in February. Congratulations to them all.
With International Women’s Day not far away, it seems fitting that the latest three members of staff who have gained their Chartered Accountant qualifications are all women, namely Anna Spowart, Sarah Strathdee and Kim Turnbull. All the hard work has paid off, well done.
Finally, our congratulations go to Alisdair Hamilton, from our Commercial Accounts team, and his wife Helen on the birth of their son, Peter at the end of 2019. We wish all the family all the very best for the years ahead.