Staff News Summer/Autumn 2020

Since our last newsletter two new faces have joined our team in Berwick. Diane Lyons has joined our Accounts team and Loren Veitch has started work alongside our Wealth Management team.
In September we also welcomed back Danielle Campbell to our Corporate Services/Tax team following the birth of daughter Evelyn Grace last year.
Work anniversaries
We have some notable work anniversaries that are certainly worth a round of applause. Two of our Partners, Stuart Allister and Colin Frame, who went to university together, along with Paul Aitchison who is based at our Berwick office and Shirley Gardiner who works in our Haddington office have all reached 30 years of service.
David Renton, Heather Robertson and Nikki Tait, who all work in our Berwick office, have reached their 20-year work anniversary.
Congratulations to you all, your loyalty and dedication is definitely worth celebrating.
Outside of our offices the wider GWA family continues to grow. We send all our best to Holly Tennant and husband Peter on the arrival of George Scott Miller; Neil Morton and partner Lynn on the birth of their son, Max Finn; Ryan Wedderburn and his wife Kara on the birth of daughter Olivia (also not forgetting Pam Wedderburn, who now has a second granddaughter); Chris Stringer and his wife Ali on the birth of their baby boy Charlie Dax Thompson; Claire Spence and Brendan Thorburn on the birth of their son James and Amber Thomas and her partner James who welcomed the latest arrival, Maia Elizabeth Louise, in early August.
We are thrilled by the safe arrival of these little ones and send our congratulations and best wishes to each of the families