GWA Community Support – Winter 2022/23

L-R Emily Patterson (GWA), Linda Buchanan (GNAAS), and David Black (GWA)
Both the Berwick and Haddington teams took part in Christmas Jumper day in December raising over £400. A £100 donation was made by the Haddington office to the local charity Our Community Kitchen.
The Berwick office donated the remaining funds to the Great North Air Ambulance Service. Linda Buchanan came to pick up the donation which was further topped up by Emily Patterson (seen wearing her amazing Christmas jumper and matching glasses) deciding to donate her annual staff community donation to the same cause.
In February we supported the local Berwickshire Point to Point, held at Friarshaugh, Kelso which saw a record turnout and
in March we will again be supporting the annual Borders Art Fair taking place at Border Union Showground Kelso on 17- 19 March.